Blossom Coach Free WordPress Theme

Blossom Coach Pro

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theme integration with CoachPodium

Are you ready to launch your coaching services with broader audiences with a professional website? If so, the Blossom Coach Pro is what you need. It is a premium theme designed to help health coaches, life coaches, mentors, therapists, and speakers set up an elegant website within minutes. The best thing is, you don’t need to know coding. Everything in the theme is ready to kickstart your website in a flash.

Blossom Coach Pro delivers the best performance and is optimized for both SEO and speed. Moreover, the theme is super-responsive on all devices, so your site is ready for anyone everywhere.

The theme has multiple premade layouts to help you set up your website from the ground up without breaking a sweat. You could also use the one-click importer to use the default content and settings and get your site up and ready within minutes. 

Blossom Coach Pro is beginner-friendly and offers an easy-to-use settings panel to control every element from one place. Plus, the Gutenberg and Elementor compatibility allows an effortless customization experience with no restrictions whatsoever. 

The predefined sections make it much easier to promote your brand, services, and blogs. For any new visitors, your testimonials and contact sections can help earn their trust and also build credibility.

Talking about customization, you get various page templates, 22 customizable widgets, customizable banner options, unlimited colors, 1000+ Google Fonts, multiple typography tweaks, and many more. With these options, your site can stand out from the rest.  

Talking about lead generation, Blossom Coach Pro leaves no stone unturned. It compiles various features such as customizable banners with CTA buttons and appointment form, a strategically-placed newsletter section, eBook landing page, multiple CTA sections, and social media integration

Blossom Coach doesn’t stop here. The theme is compatible with LearnDash and Tutor LMS plugins to enable you to create, track, manage, and sell your courses online. Also, it is WooCommerce compatible so that selling your products and services is conveniently easy.

Other noteworthy features of Blossom Coach Pro are RTL-script-ready, translation-ready, widget-ready, easy navigation, and top-notch 24/7 customer support.

So, if you want to set new limits to your creativity, generate more leads, want a super-fast website, and want every website setting under your radar, Blossom Coach Pro is for you.

Blossom Coach Pro is for you if:

  • You want to build a professional-looking website without any hassle.
  • You want to build a website for mentoring, coaching, and consulting.
  • You want exciting landing pages to engage your visitors.
  • You want a super-flexible and responsive theme that seamlessly adapts to your changing needs.
  • You want a fully customizable theme with all the settings at your reach.
  • You want to grow your subscriber using the strategically placed Newsletter Section.
  • You want more lead generation from your site.
  • You want a Scheme-ready and SEO-friendly website.
  • You want to sell your courses online.
  • You need expert technical support

Features of Blossom Coach Pro

Blossom Coach Pro is a power-packed theme with every feature a coach would need to set up a professional website in no time. Plus, the theme is beginner-friendly, with no need for coding knowledge. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the following features in your website:

Pre-made Multiple Unique Layouts

The Blossom Coach Pro WordPress theme features multiple premade templates and layouts for various segments of your website. You can use these features to set up an elegant page without going through any trouble. 

6 Call to Action Banner Layouts

Want to motivate more users to engage with your business? Blossom Coach Pro offers 6 elegant CTA banner layouts that will help you gain more leads.

3 Banner Newsletter and Appointment Layouts

Do you want to increase your subscribers’ list? If so, Blossom Coach Pro lines up 3 stunning newsletters and appointment layouts to help you out. Your visitors can easily subscribe to your newsletter or book an appointment. Either way, you gain leads.

10 Header layouts

Blossom Coach Pro has 10 gorgeous header layouts that will grab your visitors’ attention right away. You can place your main product, popular courses, or essential updates regarding your business here. This way, you can always make a striking impression among your visitors. 

2 Single Post layouts

With 2 different layout options for your single posts, you can set a unique look for your posts.

3 Blog layout

If you like blogging, Blossom Coach Pro has 3 blog layouts to help you showcase your blogs in a neat and organized way. Now, your blogs no longer remain unnoticed 

4 Pagination Styles

There are 4 different pagination styles – Newer/Older, Numbered, Load More, and Auto Infinite Scroll. Use any of these styles to help your viewers easily navigate through your website pages.

4 Customizable Banner Options

Your site’s banner is a crucial element of your website. No eyes pass by without noticing sidebars. Blossom Coach Pro knows it and thus it offers 4 customizable banner options to help you make a stronger statement among your visitors. 

Static Image/Video with Call-to-Action (CTA)

Blossom Coach Pro makes it easy to generate leads. Simply, add CTA buttons along with a static image or video to your banner. You can also add a few sentences briefly describing your service or business you’ve highlighted here.

Static Image/Video with Newsletter

You can attach a newsletter on your banner and top it up a notch with a static image or video on the banner by the side. Such a feature engages visitors and swiftly convinces them to become your subscriber.

Static Image/Video with Appointment

Another effective way to gain leads is by attaching an appointment calendar next to an image or a video. You viewers can quickly schedule an appointment for your session, course, or event.

Smooth and Attractive Banners as Slider with Advanced Controls

Adding sliders to your banners is another effective way to enroll your visitors. You can use this feature to guide them into diving deeper into your website. We recommend adding slides of your latest posts, popular courses, upcoming sessions, desired landing page, or other important pages to your banner. Further, the theme also adds advanced controls such as loop, animation, etc.

Stunning Mobile Friendly Design

Blossom Coach Pro is optimized for smartphones. With more than 50% of Google searches being done on mobile phones, this fully-responsive feminine WordPress theme is designed to adapt to any screen sizes.

Blossom Coach Pro passes Google mobile-friendly test. This means better rankings in search results and better user experience.

One-Click Demo Content Import

We have got everything ready for you. So, kickstart your website with ready-made content and settings so that you don’t have to spend hours making your website from scratch!

You can import all the images, text, and settings from the live demo of the Blossom Coach Pro theme with a click because we believe you should spend more time on your venture than on setting up your website.

Easy-to-use Theme Settings Panel with Live Preview

Blossom Coach Pro comes with an easy-to-use Theme Settings Panel with detailed options. So, you can easily configure your website by going through the options. You can also get a live preview of any visual changes you make to your site and you can make it live only after approving all the changes.

Easily Change Theme Color

Our default theme color doesn’t match your brand color? No problem. With our advanced color options panel, you can easily choose from unlimited colors and change your website color to match your taste and branding.

Typography Control

There are several options in Blossom Coach Pro to adjust your typography to match your brand. Gain full control over each element of the page and experiment with various options to bring out the best look for your website. You can adjust your site’s headings, font size, spacing, and a lot more.

Select Your Favorite Font from 1000+ Google Fonts

You don’t have to go with our choice. Select your fonts as per your preference and your style and brand. Google fonts make it easy for the users to choose from diverse fonts that are fast-loading since Google supports them. You can also change the typography of the body and headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6).

Custom Site Logo with Size Control

Your site logo is your brand, and it must be well-presented on your website. Moreover, it is the first thing your visitors notice when they land on your site. That is why we have added a feature to upload your custom website logo and adjust its size using a slider control.

Sell Courses with LearnDash and TutorLMS Compatible

If you are looking to sell your courses online, you will be fond of Blossom Coach Pro. The theme is compatible with LMS plugins such as LearnDash and TutorLMS plugins. Now, you can easily create, manage, sell, and track your courses. 

WooCommerce Ready (Online Shop)

Blossom Coach Pro is WooCommerce Plugin ready. Thanks to this, you can install the free WooCommerce plugin and then start selling products and services for sale directly from your website.

Gutenberg Compatible

This theme is fully compatible with the Gutenberg Block Editor. It lets you add unlimited blocks as you need. You can arrange and also remove the blocks as you prefer. Now, you can edit your site with better convenience.

Elementor Compatible

Are you a fan of Elementor Page Builder? Well, Blossom Coach Pro is seamlessly compatible with Elementor. This means editing gets easier and more fun with the drag-and-drop gesture.

16 Elementor Page Templates

Blossom Coach Pro is as generous as a theme can get. It offers 16 different Elementor Landing Page Templates to help you set up a site in a finger snap. These templates are aesthetically sound to improve the look and feel of your website. 

About Page

The About page template lets you provide details of your site in a clean layout. You can add information about your website, add social links, your brand’s story, display portfolio, and others.

Services Page

List your services and add details about them using the Services page template. You can also add CTA buttons that will help users book your services with a click. 

Freebies Page

Do you offer free courses, sessions, events, or courses? If you do, you can display them on the Freebies page. This lets your visitors try out your free stuff before engaging with you further. It helps build trust and credibility.

Press Page

You can add your media files such as audio and video to your site using the Press page template. Now, your site will look more interesting, organized, and engaging. 

Pricing Page

List out the pricings of all your services on a dedicated Pricing page. You can even add CTAs to generate leads.

Testimonials Page

Displaying the testimonials and positive reviews of your previous customers can help build trust among the new visitors. Apart from plain texts, you can also put up a video testimonial to make it interesting. 

Consultation Page

Offer to share your expertise, knowledge, sessions, or educational content using the dedicated Consultation Page template.

Courses Page

We have dedicated an entire page to showcasing all your courses. You can also add a short description of each of those courses along with CTA buttons. This way, you can introduce your courses better among your new visitors.

eBook Landing Page

The eBook landing page templates are perfect for sharing your eBooks as paid or free options. You can also add a brief description and also provide download links. 

Newsletter Landing Page

By using the Newsletter landing page, you can efficiently grow your mailing list without much effort. You can add your newsletter subscription and steps to complete the subscription. 

Instagram Landing page

Blossom Coach Pro lets you easily link your Instagram profile to your website. It helps to gain more followers and leads with minimal effort. 

8 Pre-defined Page Templates

Blossom Coach Pro offers 8 powerful predefined page templates to help you build credibility.

About Page

Provide information about your business and website on the About Page. 

Services Page

You can list out all your services with CTAs using the Services Page. 

Testimonials Page

Showcase the positive feedback and reviews of your previous customers in the separate Testimonials Page.

Success Stories Page

Have you got any successful events, sessions, or courses that you want to share with your visitors? If so, use the Success Stories Page to create a bundle of joy.

Podcasts Page

Blossom Coach Pro has a dedicated Podcasts Page to help motivators and coaches like you to attach podcasts of your popular session, courses, and events.

Contact Page

The Contact Page lets you add a contact form using which your visitors can contact you. You can additionally add other details such as phone numbers, contact addresses, and email.

Events Page

Make an announcement of your upcoming events using the Events Page template. You can add the event date, time, venue, and a brief introduction of what it is going to be about in a neat style.

SEO Optimized and Friendly

We have a team of SEO experts who have put their expertise into developing this SEO-friendly WordPress theme that will help you rank above your competitors on the SERPs. 

It is also Schema friendly, which is an important ranking factor as per Google’s recent announcement. With Blossom Coach Pro,  you will always have an edge over your competitors.

Optimized for Speed and Performance

Let your visitors enjoy a smooth browsing experience. Blossom Coach Pro is a speed-optimized WordPress theme, which will load faster to ensure that you don’t risk losing your potential customer or new leads.

Notification Bar to Grab Your Visitors’ Attention

The Notification Bar feature helps gain your visitors’ undivided attention. You can use this built-in feature to notify your viewers about your upcoming events, sessions, offers, alerts, or even add CTA.

Strategically Placed Newsletter Section

Blossom Coach Pro is fully compatible with the BlossomThemes Email Newsletter plugin. You can easily add a subscription form using the plugin. The theme’s newsletter section combined with the newsletter plugin will help you grow your email subscribers.

One Page Website

You can easily create a professional-looking One Page website using the Blossom Coach Pro theme. Your visitors can easily access everything they need right from the homepage.

Home Page Section Re-order/Sorting

Sort the order of the fifteen sections in the Homepage as you wish by drag and drop and customize your website as per your need.

About Section

Introduce yourself in a fashion that will resonate with your viewers with this beautifully designed About Section.

Client Logo Section

Using the Client Logo section, you can showcase your previous clients’ logos or websites where you’ve been featured. Seeing that you’ve worked with multiple brands and customers, your new visitors begin trusting your services.

Testimonial Section

Showcase the testimonials from your satisfied customers to build trust in your business.

Service Section

This beautifully arranged service section on the homepage lets the visitor know about all the services your business offers.

Blog Section

You can keep your visitors updated with the latest news stories in your field with the blog feed section. This way, your website will never look stale.

Pricing Section

The pricing section on the homepage is a great way to display different packages your business has to offer.

Events Section

Inform your customer about your upcoming events with the event section on the homepage.

Success Stories Section

Appreciate your past projects and celebrate your achievements with an amazing achievement section which is perfect for showing before and after images.

Multiple Call to Action (CTA) Sections

Inform and get your viewers converting to your customers with this beautifully designed Call to Action (CTA) section.

Podcasts Section

This podcast section is great for listing your podcast sessions and making them more accessible to your site visitors.

Shop Section

Shop section on the homepage is a great way to sell the products which complement your services.

Contact section

Be more approachable to your website visitors by including the contact section on your homepage.

Display Your Instagram Feed

The built-in Instagram Feed feature helps to increase your social presence. You can integrate your Instagram profile on your website with a few clicks. Such a feature is effective in gaining more followers and increasing conversions.

Customizer Search

It gets annoying when you want to adjust something on your website but cannot find the settings, doesn’t it? Well, the theme has the built-in Customizer Search feature that puts rest to this inconvenience. Now, you can quickly search and find the settings you want on the go.

Author Bio in Sidebar

The stylish author box is added to every post page layout to help readers connect with the authors. This helps to improve visitors’ engagement and social media followings.

Highlight Author Comment

You can display the comments of the post’s author in a distinct style. This helps your visitors find the author’s response. 

Add Your Custom Signature

Adding your custom signature is another professional feature of Blossom Coach Pro. This theme offers enough space at the end of each blog post to attach your signature. It helps in the marketing of your brand.

Smart Images Loading for SEO

Isn’t it frustrating to browse a website with slow-loading images? You may have the patience and time, but your visitors don’t. That’s why we have added the smart images loading feature in Blossom Coach Pro to increase your site’s loading speed. Now, your images load only when viewers browse that particular section. Other images beyond that browsing visibility remain idle.

Enable/Disable Automatic Image Crop

Our theme makes sure to render all the images in a uniform layout and size so that your website looks neat and professional. It has a built-in feature to crop the image when you upload it. Of course, you have the option to turn this feature off when you need to upload the actual size.

Footer Copyright Editor

Gain full control of your website’s footer and edit it as you want to match your brand. You can add your copyright texts, credits or mention them on your footer. We have also added the shortcodes to update the year automatically.

Built-in Google Analytics Settings

Another perk of using the Blossom Coach Pro is its built-in Google Analytics settings. It lets you add your analytics tracking code to your theme customizer. You can receive crucial statistics about your site with this feature.

Social Media Integration

Promote your business and website across various social media platforms using our built-in social media integration feature. You can connect your website with Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. You could also add links to other Russian and Chinese social sites such as OK, VK, Zing, and many more.

Back to top button

Good user experience is the best way to hold on to your website visitors and convert them to potential customers. Our Back to Top button will improve your website’s user experience with easy navigation.

Social Shares for Your Posts

Attach a sticky social sharing button on each of your blog posts to let your visitors easily share your content on their social media profiles. It is an effective way to promote your brand and also increase traffic to your website.

Built-in SEO Settings

Along with optimizing your website for search engines, you can also tweak some SEO settings. For instance, you can enable the Breadcrumbs feature that lets you display the last updated post date. 

Lightbox for Images

You can highlight the images on your website using the lightbox feature. With this setting, an image fills up almost the entire screen when someone clicks on it. Also, it dims the rest of the screen to avoid any distraction while observing the picture. 

Floating/Sticky Menu

Let the menu follow the user as they scroll down the page. The floating menu makes a more efficient user experience as a user no longer has to scroll all the way back to choose an item on the menu.

Sticky Widget

Use the theme’s sticky widget to fix your website elements on the post regardless of the scrolling action. You can set your sidebar or even CTA buttons as a sticky option. 

Post Excerpt

Let your visitors know what your post is about using up to 100 words as a summary. They don’t even need to click the post for it. You can add compelling words to motivate them to enter and read your post.

Related Posts of the Category or Tags

Once your visitors finish browsing through your post, offer them more options with the related post of the same tag or category. This helps increase user retention on your website without much effort.

Comment Section Toggle

Toggle on the comment section on your blog post to promote user engagement. Visitors can provide their feedback as well. 

Drop Cap

Drop Cap adjusts the first letter of your post to a size almost as tall as two to three sentences combined. It catches users’ attention instantly and also adds to a stylish appearance.

Widget Ready

Add and manage your widgets without compromising the design of your theme. Blossom Coach Pro is optimized for widgets so that you can design and customize your website in a truly unique way.

22 Customizable Widgets

We have added 22 highly customizable widgets inside the Blossom Coach Pro theme. You can add them to your website to add more functionalities.

  • Blossom: Advertisement
  • Blossom: Author Bio
  • Blossom: Call To Action
  • Blossom: Client Logo Widget
  • Blossom: Contact Widget
  • Blossom: Custom Categories
  • Blossom: Email Newsletter Widget
  • Blossom: Facebook Page
  • Blossom: Featured Page Widget
  • Blossom: Icon Text
  • Blossom: Image Text
  • Blossom: Pinterest
  • Blossom: Popular Post
  • Blossom: Pricing Table
  • Blossom: Posts Category Slider
  • Blossom: Recent Post
  • Blossom: Snapchat
  • Blossom: Social Media
  • Blossom: Stat Counter Widget
  • Blossom: Team Member
  • Blossom: Testimonial
  • Blossom: Twitter Feed

Unlimited Sidebar Options

Add as many sidebars as you need on your website without any restriction. You can create unique sidebars on each of your website pages. You can also add widgets here, along with your latest/popular courses and CTAs.

Unlimited Background Options

Blossom Coach Pro comes with an unlimited background option that allows customizing your theme as per your taste.

Performance Settings

If you want more performance optimization for your site, Blossom Coach Pro has multiple options to help you do that. These are the features: 

  • Lazy loading of featured images
  • Lazy loading of content images
  • Lazy loading of gravatar images
  • Dever Javascript to improve page speed
  • Remove ver parameters
  • Host Google Fonts Locally

You can enable these features depending on your needs. But we recommend enabling all these features to gain maximum performance optimization.

Easily Reset Customizer Settings

You can easily reset the theme customizer settings in case you have made any error or unwanted changes while editing your website. This will give you a fresh start instantly.

Cross-Browser Compatible

Tried and tested, Blossom Coach Pro works seamlessly on the latest version of all the major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Easy Legibility 

Make sure that your visitors are treated with an awesome font type that is of legible size, spaces, and contrast. Blossom Coach Pro optimizes the visual appeal of your content so that visitors enjoy what they are reading on the screen.

RTL Scripts Ready

Write your content the way you want! Blossom Coach Pro supports right-to-left (RTL) scripts like Arabic along with LTR languages.

Translation Ready

Don’t let the language barrier stop you from creating an awesome website. Blossom Coach Pro theme supports localization, so you can translate the theme into your local language.

Polylang Compatible (Multi-language)

Easily translate your site into various languages and create a multilingual site as the theme is compatible with the Polylang WordPress plugin.

WPML Compatible (Multi-language)

The theme is WPML Plugin compatible. So you can translate your site into multiple languages and easily create a multi-language website.

One-Click Update

You don’t have to worry about any future theme updates, as Blossom Coach Pro comes with a one-click update button for stress-free updates.

Clean Code

Blossom Coach Pro is professionally written by experts to ensure that it is clean and lightweight. This makes it very easy for developers to read comments and customize if necessary.

Extensive Documentation and Video Tutorials

We have developed Blossom Coach Pro to be beginner-friendly. Our extensive documentation will help you out step by step to build an elegant website without writing a single code.

Regular Updates with Feature Enhancements

We push regular updates on Blossom Coach Pro. This ensures that your website is up-to-date with all the WordPress updates, security, and features. 

Friendly and Quick Support

We’re here to address your confusion, questions, or ideas. Contact our friendly and enthusiastic support team through our support ticket and get quick assistance regarding the theme.


Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
114 reviews
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
  • Useful Themes and Great Customer Support

    I enjoy using the Blossom Theme that I have. Also, I had a question for customer support and they were quick and clear about the solution

  • Such an amazing time saver!

    I love using this theme. Everything is laid out well.
    The help section is very detailed and thorough.
    I’ve been away from WordPress for 3 years, and this theme made jumping in again easy and less burdensome.
    Great work!

  • Great support

    It’s practically my first time creating websites with WordPress, but this Blossom Coach Pro was very user-friendly. I was able to set up my website in a short period time.
    Since I was working on it alone, there were some things I didn’t understand, but when I contacted support, they always responded promptly.

  • Customizable and functional theme, super assistance

    I’m designing my professional site and found the Coach Pro theme perfect for my needs. It is customizable and functional and has modern and essential graphics.
    I had some technical problems which were completely resolved by the development team, quickly and with great professionalism!
    I am very happy with the choice I made!

  • Support

    I am very pleased with the very good support. Help is provided very quickly and unbureaucratically.

  • Excellent customer service and professional looking site

    I was totally new to creating a website and decided to go with Blossom theme pro. Learning to edit all the pages was a pretty steep learning curve for me but whenever I couldn’t figure out how to do something I emailed support and they always got back to me with easy to follow instructions within 24 hours. I highly recommend.

  • Fast help with the license key

    I had to delete my new site and start from scratch, i received answer to my question in few minutes and solution as well. Amazing customer care 🙂 Thank you

  • Nice theme, fast support

    Nice theme, responsive, great features, highly configurable.

  • Love this theme!

    I really love this theme. It’s easy to use, looks professional, and elevates my credibility.

  • Best VIP Support Ever!

    The process of creating a website for the 1st time can be very intimidating and exhausting. However, with my VIP Support at Blossom Themes any issue I've encountered has been resolved. I am given a response within 24 hours and usually my question is answered the 1st time. Great customer service has been lost in today's business world, so I highly appreciate the great customer service with the purchase of my theme. I highly recommend Blossom Themes and I will definitely purchase again for my next website creation.

    Thank you!
    Melissa M.

  • Excellent customer service and professional looking site

    I had been working in the technology field for over 20 years so I’m familiar with technology but I had never had a website before. I purchased Blossom Coach Pro because it had all the features that I wanted on a website and other reviewers stated that the customer service is excellent. I completely agree with the excellent customer service. I was able to figure out how to change most of the demo data to my own, but sometimes I just couldn’t figure it out. In those instances, I emailed my question and I always got a very helpful response within 24 hours. I love that the site is professional looking AND I know how to make any future changes myself. Thank you, Blossom Team!

  • Blossom Coach Pro - EXCELLENT theme & features

    I have been in the web design world for 25+ years and using Wordpress since close to the beginning. I have found these Blossom Themes to be among the best I've ever found for user interface, features, customization, options, etc.

    Many times, even paid themes are hard to navigate and customize. Blossom Coach Pro has MANY features, but also enables an experienced designer to turn them off and on easily. I do not do web design full time any longer, but recently had to build a new site and was VERY impressed with the offerings at Blossom. I will definitely use them again on future websites.

  • Support is Awesome

    I know nothing about CSS but there was an issue on my website and the support team had an answer with new coding back to me so quickly, same day!

    Thanks heaps.

  • Custom Website

    Blossom Themes and Nabin were absolutely incredible from the start. I had been researching and talking to website developers for six months prior; honestly just frustrated and not even excited about creating a website. I kept getting pulled and pushed into directions I did not want my business to go or just quoted insanely high prices. Blossom Themes was recommended to me by a friend, and I truly could not be happier with my custom website.

    I was impressed with Nabin from the very beginning with his patience and dedication to understanding my business, what I offer, and what direction I want to go in in the future. He asked me questions no other developer had asked and suggested things that were absolutely perfect for my site. I finally found who and what I had been looking for regarding my new site.

    As we went through the design, I again was impressed by Nabin’s patience (I travel for a living, and some months were crazier than others) and just amazed at the beautiful site he and his team were creating. He was organized, thorough, and excellent at responding to my feedback, and he suggested things I had not thought of initially with the site.

    I am confident going forward in my business due to the beautiful website Nabin and his team created. I highly recommend Nabin and Blossom Themes to anyone needing a website, and you will not be disappointed.

  • Good value for money

    The support is great. They always come back within about 1 day. The built-in themes are quite helpful. I would recommend Blossom Themes Coach Pro to others.

  • Great theme and amazing support team at Blossom

    I have purchased this template for my website and I am very happy with the outcome. I had a few issues because my website must be translated into Portuguese, but I contacted the support team and they were amazing. Always prompt replies, friendly and very helpful. I could resolve my initial issues in no time and I now have my brand new website live.
    I strongly recommend this theme and Blossom.

  • I wish technical support everywhere was that good!

    Whenever I had a problem, the support team helped me with a solution within a few hours. I wish technical support everywhere was that good!

  • Blossom cookery pro

    Picked a nice theme and installed it, unfortunately it didn't go quite right, but thanks to Shila's help, the problem was quickly solved. Despite the time difference, still quick and friendly contact. She thought along and managed to solve the problem quite quickly. Grateful for her help and the beautiful themes

  • Nabin was such a help!

    I have never had a website before and Nabin was such a help configuring it for me, giving tips, and will help as needed going forward after activation. He answered all my many questions, was timely in his effort, and was friendly, encouraging, and professional.

    If you are considering using someone to help with website design, I highly recommend Nabin Jaiswal and using Blossom Themes!

    Happy New Year,
    Jenai Goodwin

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    Before I found Blossom Themes I was really struggling to find the right website for my service-based business. I’ve been using the Blossom Coach Pro theme for over a year now and I absolutely love it. In the beginning, I designed the layout of my site using the tutorials, but I decided to step it up a notch and contacted support. Nabin was super helpful and knowledgeable about my revamp. He made my website content and functionalities easier to read, user-friendly, and with SEO. Since the revamp my website traffic has increased and I have gained more leads. The support team is very polite, resourceful, and professional. Thank you guys so much.

  • Love this theme!

    Blossom Coach Pro was exactly what I needed when I decided to change the theme on my website. So many great features and the how-to videos are excellent resources. So glad I went this route!

  • Excellent theme, support is outstanding

    I have been extremely happy with the Blossom Coach Pro theme. The basic them is outstanding and the pro version offers some super useful features that make it well worth the very reasonable investment. The best part about this theme is the support service received from the team. They are so responsive when I have a question or request for a tweak and always have a solution to suggest.

    Thank you!

  • Excellent theme and outstanding customer service

    Blossom themes were recommended to us by a friend who uses them. We are a Scottish charity and have used the theme on our website, it does exactly what we wanted it to do. When contacting support with a question I found that they were very quick to reply, even outwith their working hours. Shila provided impressive, professional customer service and I would highly recommend this company to anyone.

  • Best theme and team ever <3

    I’m a total noob and was afraid of Wordpress for years so I couldn’t get a proper website as I needed. Today I have the prettier website I could have dreamed of, honestly, for so cheap I still can’t believe it.
    The team is just totally amazing, they endlessly helped me through the code with patience and kindness and and I wouldn’t have made it without them.

    So this review is really one that I leave with joy, thank you all for the amazing work, you gave me what I needed the most in the world. A million thanks. <3

  • Great theme, great support!

    This theme is gorgeous. I needed something that was simple but also versatile and customizable, this delivers both.

    There is a bit of a learning curve if you are not super familiar with CSS and some of the deeper customizations, but it is worth getting the info 🙂

    Seller VERY responsive to help request!

  • Technical Support

    My first impression is that the Tech Support team is very responsive. For novice WP users they offer assistance in making sure the Deno Import Process executes properly which helps to populate the website with content that can be replaced as need be. They also offer suggestions in their follow-up emails.. Thanks Shila Niroula.

  • Outstanding !

    Great customer service. They are very patient and helpful especially with a very novice web builder!

  • Blossom Coach Pro - Great product - Great service

    I’ve been using the template for a few years. As a WordPress layman, it was very easy to fill the templates with your own content and change them to create individuality. I am very happy with the site. But the hammer is the support! I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED SOMETHING LIKE THAT! Very quick responses to inquiries with targeted answers and a great deal of patience when the problem was not the technology, but the user….

    Good products on offer are one thing. However, if the support is not right (and you often only notice this after the purchase), you lose the fun of the product, no matter how good it is. With Blossom Themes you get both – a great product and ingenious and effective support!

  • I highly recommend Blossom Themes

    When I decided to have a website, I looked at sites designed for accountants and bookkeepers, but in the end, I decided that I wanted a site designed for an excellent visitor experience, and I needed 4 things for that to happen:

    1. My message had to be clear, so I wanted a site that didn’t speak over my client’s heads.

    2. Visitors should know exactly what I do, and the services I provide within seconds of landing on my home page.

    3. I wanted an easy way for visitors to contact me without searching my pages.

    4. The site needed to be inviting, comfortable, and friendly because it’s an extension of my office.

    Nabin of Blossom Themes did all of that for me and made my site pretty. It has been a pleasure working with Nabin. He was professional, patient, and kind and I needed that – because even though it was at the early stages of my business, I decided to build a site during tax season.

    I teach and coach business owners and bookkeepers how to use QuickBooks Online. I also setup, catchup, and cleanup QuickBooks Online accounts. My business is Clarisse Jackson Bookkeeping, and I am located at

    I love my site! I’m excited and happy to share my site with everyone. I trust and believe it will attract future clients while I’m busy working with my current clients.

    It has already proven its worth because it had helped a client decide to work with me. I highly recommend Blossom Themes.

  • Great Support

    Blossom Themes support is one of a kind, they are very prompt to responding to issues and would always ensure they resolve issues on the table.

    I would recommend them anytime !!!

  • Fast and Supportive

    I had some issues with a mobile view on my Blossom Coach Pro Theme. I emailed support, and I received a reply explaining how I should fix the problem in no time. We had to exchange more than one email, and I felt like somebody was helping me in my office. Thank you! I say customer support and technical support is top class.

  • Best customer service & amazing Theme

    High quality of service & very helpful at any time. The template Coach Pro is really attractive. Awesome! Thank you vey much! 🙂

  • Quick Support

    Had a problem which needed a CSS solution and got help within a few hours.

  • Best service/ fast solutions

    I am so impressionned by the fast quality solutions after sales services. Thanks a lot for this great support team. Damien from France

  • Wonderful Support team

    I really appreciate with Blossom Support team especially Ashish J. ,He is very kind and patient to me. Thank you so much for your all suggestion. Awesome !

  • Great theme and service

    Thank you very much, dear blossomthemes, for your great theme. I can highly recommend the amazing and outstanding support. Especially Nabin with his huge knowledge was extraordinary helpful, very friendly, had quicker answers than expected and a solution for every occured problem. Thank you very much, Nabin!

  • If you have reservations, read this.

    Before I came to Blossom themes I had worked with female in Australia who runs a business creating websites for coaches and counsellors. It looked legit so I spent $3000 dollars for her team to create a template site and another $650 on her copy writer to re-write my site content. I was promised completion of my site within 14 business days. 3 months later…my site was still not complete. Long story short, I needed a website but was scared to trust anyone after my experience.

    I bought the Blossom Coach Pro with the intention to create a website by myself but realized I just didn’t have the time to work on it and figure out the little details. I spoke with Nabin who reassured me the project would be completed in 7 business days and I would pay half upfront and the other half when complete. I reluctantly trusted him and I’m so glad I did!!
    1. Nabin reviewed my copywriters content and made suggestions for how he would incorporate the content on my site. (From the beginning he seemed to really know how to catch a readers attention and convert them into sales).
    2. Nabin created a website EXACTLY how I wanted it to look and any suggestions I made, he was able to incorporate it.
    3. Nabin worked on my site over the weekend and contacted me within 2 days to review the changes (he worked extra hard knowing my experience and reservations).
    4. Nabin promptly responded to all of my emails at anytime of the day (I don’t think he sleeps).
    5. Nabin was so kind and patient during every interaction we had and was able to provide solutions every time. He certainly is knowledgably and wonderful at his job.

    I’m so happy I found Blossom themes and Nabin. He bent over backwards to ease my concerns and easily built my trust. If only I found him sooner. I already have another project in my mind for down the road and I can guarantee I will be hiring Nabin again. Thank you for all your support, I really cant thank you enough!

  • Blossom Coach Pro is a great choice for coaching business

    I had to “save money” and try to construct my new webpage by myself. I really thought that I’d have to do it all alone but I’m astonished how easy and quick it is to get help from professionals in the support team.

    I think I’ve managed really well and I’m really happy about how the page looks. It has taken time and challenged my skills but little by little I think I’m getting quite good at using the template. It was money well spent on the template!

    Also, the directions are very good, step-by-step guidance, in the Blossom pages.

    Soon I can concentrate again on what my own strength is in business! A nice looking webpage is an excellent start though!

  • Great theme with great support.

    I found blossom theme and tried free theme first. it was very easy for amateur like me, so soon I upgraded to pro theme, which is very not much at all. I used to pay triple of blossom theme and had to ask some agent to build wp website and expensive theme that’s not easy and beautiful at all. Blossom theme is visually easy to customize, I am not English speaker but with Alina’s help I was able to build my website, and I really like it^^ She supported many times via email everyday when I had some technical issues. So kind and patient. The site looks beautiful. I really recommend blossom theme.

  • Great support, easy to edit WP for beginner.

    I wanted to switch to new wordpress website that I can edit and customize my own without asking through agent. Also wanted to add online store on website. My previous wp template which cost triple of blossom theme and paid a lot to the agent to build. But it was difficult to use and really wasn’t beautiful at all. So I wanted to change to new and better one. I was web browsing internet and I found blossom theme and tried the coach theme, and it looks very nice. Soon I upgraded to pro theme. I am very happy about my new website. Also I am not English speaker, and I am just amateur about wordpress. So had some technical issue at beginning, but Alina helped me with patient to figure out by email support.Thank you so much. I really recommend Blossom theme.^^

  • A really powerful theme and just what I was looking for.

    The latest upgrade to the Pro version adds so much more capabilities. I especially like the new options for the home page banner layout. Works perfectly for me!

    Well done the team at Blossom Coach!

  • The Theme is beautiful and the Support is Perfekt!

    Every Question a perfect answer from Alina Ghale! She is very skilled and helpful. Thanks, Blossom Themes and Alina, I will be shopping with you again in the future!

    Thanks from Germany

  • Just What I was Looking For!

    I first started building my website on a different platform from wordpress, and I wasn’t satisfied with the way it looked. So I googled “best themes for coaches”. When I found Blossom Themes, it was just what I was looking for!

    My only challenge was that I loved so many of the themes I was having a hard time picking which one to use. In the end, I went with Blossom Coach Pro and worked with Nabin to launch my website.

    His support was so professional and I loved his design expertise and help. Now I have a site that I’m proud of, and I would definitely recommend Blossom Themes to other coaches.

  • Top after sales service

    I installed this theme that is clean, well coded, well followed, easy to use, and rather pretty. However, I did not want to push renewal to assistance this year and I still been removed. I do not understand what happened. So I contacted the customer service that was very courteous, quick responses, and my repayment request and cancellation of automatic renewal were responded. Thank you Blossom Themes team.

  • Exceptional Theme!

    The Blossom Coach theme provides a great combination of form and function. In addition to being engaging visually, the softer more feminine aesthetics align very well with my branding. Overall, this theme provides exceptional features specific to my business. Additionally, the theme staff is very accessible for support. I highly recommend this theme!

  • Inspiring theme

    I like the Blossom Coach Pro theme very much. It has all that I want in a theme. I also like that the team answers very quickly when I need help. They are nice people.
    The only thing I could have liked was being more accurate when informing about your products. It would help if you mentioned that it would cost more to use the license key on several websites. But other than that, I like being a part of this community.

  • Customer Service

    I had several questions regarding setting up and customizing some of the pages and Ashish was tremendously helpful. Great response time and very easy instructions for non-techy people.
    Highly recommend purchasing the theme.

  • Great theme and service

    They added a feature that I wanted to improve the theme. They released it in a couple of weeks. Thanks a lot !

  • Review about Blossom Coach Pro Theme by Delta Creative (CH)

    I worked hands in hands with the support team of the Blossom Coach Pro Theme my company and I purchased. I am very satisfied with the result of our website (by the way, check it out! The Theme is very modern, very proper and has a good User Experience. It was easy to ask any question needed when I had trouble to add some CSS classes or any other issue. I have been able to develop a clean website in a month, which is quite fast!
    I highly recommend this Theme, that you can adjust at your best convenience for many different sectors of activity. I had a great experience working with WP and especially with Blossom Coach Pro Theme, so THANK YOU ALL, and keep working!
    Special thanks to Ashish Jha from the support team, who did a great job listening to my concerns and giving my great advices.

  • 5 Stars for sure

    Love this theme, and the support from the team. It was super easy to set up with their help, it looks great and any time that I've had a problem the support has been quick and details. Highly recommend.

  • Fast and accurate support

    I was having a problem with the license key for the theme that I purchased. I could not update the version of the theme in WordPress and received an error message that my license key was not active. I emailed my questions to the BlossomThemes support email. Within a short time I received an email reply with the steps I needed to take to reactivate the license key. Once I made the recommended changes I could quickly update the theme and my web site did not have any downtime. Thank you!

  • Using Blossom Themes for Three Websites

    I use Blossom Themes for all three of our websites! It’s easy to use and very customizable. I love how well it works with both HubSpot and WooCommerce!

  • Awesome product and service

    I am really happy to work with Blossom Themes. Very fast response and everything work well!
    Thank you!

  • Good Templates and very good Support

    Beautiful WordPress theme. Many possibilities and beautiful templates. The service is fast and very good.

  • Good Templates and very good Support

    I love the blossom themes because they look really good.
    They are not super fast, but still fast enough to create a good looking and good performing website.

    The support is outstandingly fast, nice and always knows how to solve the little problems of everyday life.

  • Top Notch Service

    I LOVED my experience with Nabin and Blossom Themes. Not only does the product look exactly how I envisioned it, but he was so patient with me as I asked questions and adapted to the learning curve of making my own adjustments as needed. I highly recommend utilizing their services. You will not be disappointed.

  • Great product, Great customer service.

    Very happy with Blossom Coach Pro. It’s been easy to put together and looks great. Works very well for my business. The instructions in the getting started section on setting up the site are easy to follow and the odd occassion I have needed tech support they have been amazing, prompt and friendly.

  • Unsurpassed product and customer service!

    I had been looking for a theme that would bring together a series of functionalities and the Blossom Coach Pro has them all, as well as others that are also very useful. I am very satisfied with it. And Nabin’s attention is impressive, always attentive to my needs. Thanks, Blossom Themes 100% satisfaction!

  • Producto y servicio de atención al cliente insuperables!

    I had been looking for a theme that would bring together a series of functionalities and the Blossom Coach Pro has them all, as well as others that are also very useful. I am very satisfied with it. And Nabin's attention is impressive, always attentive to my needs. Thanks, Blossom Themes 100% satisfaction!

  • Awesome products and service

    Last week I bought a theme for a customer of mine, I used one of the themes from Blossom. Everyting is very well documented and if there are some things not clear you can contact support who replies really quick.

  • PHENOMENAL Customer Service & Impressive-Looking Theme!

    I am the creator of Being Authentic Now: My husband (creator of Life Chart – Life Design System: and I are both using Blossom Coach Pro themes. The theme is great – it looks so clean, neat, and inviting. I’ve received numerous compliments on the look of my site. The website appearance is a personal preference, but what stands out with Blossom is their service!

    Blossom Support has been PHENOMENAL! Customer service is extremely important to me and I only take time to review those companies that go above and beyond with their service – Blossom is one of them! When I learn something new, I tend to ask a lot of questions. Since my husband and I were building our websites from the ground up, we had a bunch of questions. I received answers to all of my questions within 24 business hours. Ashish and Subham have assisted me numerous times and they have provided exceptional customer service! I was surprised about all of the things we could change within the theme so that it met my individual needs. I’m rather picky and love to look at beautiful things, so I wanted to enjoy looking at every aspect of my website. Most people probably wouldn’t be as particular with certain details, so it was so nice to have the “it’s our pleasure to serve you” type of response from Blossom support after every question I asked. I have always felt welcomed and appreciated by them – making me feel comfortable asking questions and knowing I can count on them to assist. I highly recommend Blossom!

  • Great template and perfect support

    Purchased Blossom Coach Pro last weekend. Before I did I already asked some questions and time and time again a quick and clear answer.
    It is great how much passion is here and people are willing to help the customers optimally.

    The template itself is very extensive, but once you have figured out where to find what it is a pleasure to work with.

  • More than I imagined

    I am grateful that I found this theme exactly when I needed it. I am even more excited for the support and other tools that come with it, Thank you all or everything you do to help us all make a great impression.


    The theme itself is great, it has everything you need to make a website which is what you’d expect really.

    However, the support team is unbelievably good. They really go the extra mile to help you set up your website and then customise it to make sure it’s exactly what you had in mind.

    Honestly, I’m pretty hard to please with these kind of things. So… if you’re looking at this theme thinking it’s 80% there for what you want, just buy the Pro version, the support team will help you make up the other 20%.

  • Awesome product and support

    I am very satisfied with the choice of Blossom Coach Pro.

    I had a small problem before finalizing the purchase and I was promptly and quickly answered by the support that sought all possible solutions to resolve the issue.

    The theme is robust, intuitive configuration. So far the most complete I have used.

    Blossom Themes is to be congratulated for the products and support team.

  • Great Theme and Tech Support

    I bought this theme awhile ago and love the look and design. The only issue I have with it, it is lacking only 1 menu so had to rethink the nav menu for my pages.

    Other than, the fonts are good, the ability to change colors and adjust modules is wonderful since I don’t need all of theme.

    Ran into an issue after the latest update and turned out that it was the sticky menu that through my theme out of wack. Got to love technology. Tech support followed up and spent several hours trying to figure out the issue and finally was resolved.

    Customer Service was excellent and very quick.

    Thank you for such wonderful service and finding the resolution!

  • Great Professional Theme with Amazing Support!

    I bought the Blossom Coach Pro Theme and I have been working with it for a week now. Great great professional looking theme, very easy to work with once you understand some basic things. The support team was very helpful and knowledgeable with prompt hours despite the time difference between countries! Thanx a lot guys!

  • Amazing customer service- Beautiful themes

    Very pleased with the themes that I have purchased. Nabin is AWESOME! Easy to customize and when I needed support, I got it. I highly recommend Blossom Themes.

  • Great support and feedback about Blossom Coach Pro!

    I like very much Blossom Coach Pro theme because it is elegant and easy to customize. The support team is great and helpful, but also quick to answer any questions. Thank you very much!

  • Beautiful Themes with Excellent Support!

    The Blossom themes are really amazing. I designed two client websites with Blossom themes and plan to design one for myself. I also love the documentation. It is so though and easy to follow. The themes are incredibly versatile and fun to use!

  • Service

    What a quick service. If you have any questions they will help you very very fast 🙂 Thank you.

  • Best Theme I've Ever Used

    I’ve been in business a lonnnnggg time. So I’ve had countless website designs and paid 5x this for custom designs. NOTHING compares to this theme. From the beautiful design to the amazing customer support – I couldn’t have made a better choice.

    I showed the site to a few colleagues (before it was even fully customized) and they’re looking at Blossom Coach Pro now too. I’m really impressed with how the theme has all the sections and elements I need to highlight my products and services for my business. I didn’t have to do a lot of customization because everything really is built in.

    Plus I was able to integrate all the tools I use to run my business into the site via plugins (without compatibility issues!). I really can do everything I need/ want – right on my website without logging into a bunch of different sites/ platforms.

    We’re at the midpoint of our fiscal year and so far – Blossom Coach Pro has been the BEST investment we’ve made this year. (And yes, I promise I don’t work for Blossom, I really am a real entrepreneur who found this beautiful theme online, and can’t shut up about it.)

    I could go on and on about how easy it was to set up the theme, the immediate response from customer support when I had a question, and the compliments I’m getting – but I’ll stop here. I wish I could give Blossom Coach Pro 100 stars!!

  • Great theme and support!

    This theme is worth every euro I paid. It is easy to install and to use and you’ve a lot of possibilities to customize it to your own style.

    Also the support is super, super great!! No question is to much. Their respons is very fast and always very friendly. And they help you till the problem is solved.

    So keep up the good work! 🙂

  • Great theme for coaching, yoga or beauty businesses

    Thanks for creating a great theme, which has been easy to implement. The colour scheme matches perfectly with my logo for my yoga and beauty business. The layout is clear and easy to read.

    Support was great when I got confused as well, which was great.

    Thanks again.

  • Excellent Theme Support team

    I’ve enjoyed the way my e-mails w/ all sorts of questions were answered. Straight forward, very helping, honest, and quick, despite the time-zone differences. This is how support should be like.
    Thank you.

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    This theme is great and suited our organisation’s website perfectly. It is easy to customise as well to suit our corporate style and colour scheme. The online support has been great as well with swift reply to questions.

  • Great Theme and fantastic support

    I Purchased this theme and quickly figured out how easy and customizable it is. Many built-in features and fantastic support from the team at Blossom.
    Good job guys, highly recommended.

  • Fantastic Support

    I have had the same old Wordpress theme for years, and it was time for a fresh theme. I just purchased Blossom Coach Pro a couple weeks ago. Not being a techy person, anything to do with websites can seem very complicated to me. I am SO grateful that Nabin from Blossom Themes Support team was there to help me. Every single issue I had – he was there to answer questions, guide me and provide me with solutions, so that I could get my website working the way I wanted, and error free. He has incredible patience let me tell you. I love my Blossom Coach Pro theme!

    They also have really good and easy to use documentations and tutorials as well – so most of the information you can find there. But of course, you sometimes need an expert, and that’s Nabin.

    Nabin is a ROCKSTAR in my book! Could not have done this without you, and I feel at peace knowing you’re there if I need you again – eternally grateful.

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    I am very satisfied with the Blossom Coach Pro Theme! I purchased, it is easy to work on and it looks great! Outstanding service, very fast response time for support. I am impressed! Great Support! Thanks!

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    I was a total beginner on WordPress and bought this theme randomly in Nov 2019. I found it very intuitive and mobile-friendly. When I was stuck, Nabin of Blossom Themes has been always there to help to add few pieces of coding when necessary or to guide me step by step. The exchange of print screen is very simple to show where you have an issue. Nabin has been very generous of his time and patient.

  • Outstanding service & a great theme!

    There’s no question, this theme has saved our company a ton of time and effort in getting launched. The customer support for the theme is unparalleled, and they’ve always been quick to help when anything has come up with our installation! Highly recommended.

  • Blossom Pro Themes

    I have purchased these themes for 3 of my websites. Each one was easy to install and set up. The customization was simple and made my website look instantly professional.

    When I had a question and contacted customer support for help, they were quick and efficient to answer and solve my problem.

    I could not recommend their themes more for any business owner. Excellent themes all around!

  • Excellent customer service

    I am working with the Blossomthemes support team for almost a year and I am always positively surprised ant the quality and speed of their services. The response time is very short and even on weekends I got my questions answered.
    They always provide a solution that is easy to follow and that works!

    Thanks a lot and keep on with your great job!

  • Great support Blossom Themes!

    Responsive and helpful. These guys really seem to have great knowledge. Impressed. Thanks Blossom Themes!

  • Absolutely love it.

    I came across Blossom themes over a year ago. Honestly, I stopped even browsing through other themes as soon as I came across this company’s themes. Each one of their themes I’ve used are so classy, unique and serve the purpose perfectly.

    I have tried most of their themes and have purchased some Pro ones for best results. The best part of this company is that they have OUTSTANDING customer service. If you get stuck with anything, they’re there to help you out at their earliest.

    They will make your problem their own and fix it before you need it to. They will go to the extent of providing customized CSS codes to make it work exactly how you want it to.

    They will make customized videos, give codes and reply in detailed emails to resolve your issues in the best way possible.

    Other than being so supportive, they’re super polite, well-mannered and professional. I would fully recommend each one of their themes as they’re extremely classy, stylish and professional.

  • Great theme

    A very beautiful and powerful theme, full of function!

  • Great theme and excellent support

    I am not really an experienced WordPress user, however it was quite easy to work with the Blossom Coach Pro theme. I love the setup of this theme and the many possibilities to compose your website just the way you want it. And when I got stuck or wanted to change something and didn’t know how, I could easily send an e-mail to the support team. I always got a very fast reply and always a helpful answer. Really great how these people of the support team are willing to help and give you the right answers in such a short time. I would definitely recommend the Blossom Coach Pro theme.

    • I am not a natural technic fan , when it comes to creating websites and stuff 🙂 and re-modelling my website was one of the worst parts of my freelancer business. But with my basic knowledge and the support of the blossom theme crew, I managed to create a new homepage. I assume, it will always be some work in progress, but I am on my way!
      My very special thanks go to Subham, who obviously has so much patience with me and my questions that I still dare to contact , when there is AGAIN a question or an unsolved issue… thanks! I can really recommend working with you!

  • Beautiful

    Beautiful theme for sure. Has many great necessary features!

  • Blossom Themes customer support has made it worth the investment in their themes.

    For someone that grew up writing html in a text editor, the migration to wordpress has been difficult at times. The level of personal customer support from Blossom Themes is excellent. Having support for even very dumb questions that I should know has been great.

  • Beautiful theme and even better customer service

    I would describe myself as an intermediate Wordpress user and from time to time, I run into issues with my themes that I’m unable to fix without assistance. Nabin of Blossom Themes has been so helpful and incredibly generous with his time, patiently helping me to fine-tune my website. There are a lot of attractive themes out there, but it’s harder to find one that comes with the kind of support that you’ll find from Blossom Themes. I cannot recommend enough!

  • Great wordpress theme - outstanding customer service

    100% recommended! Really easy to use and fancy-looking wordpress theme. I was a complete beginner and it was easy for me to learn and understand all the functionalities. Also, customer service is always there to help: Super quick, friendly and really helpful. Thanks to the team!

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    This is my second iteration of a website for my business and versus my first, the experience I have had using Blossom Pro was so much more rewarding and efficient. Not only does it have great templates making it easy to create engaging pages with images and words that all fit together but the service I received from the support team has been amazing. I’m no expert in web design and they have helped me whenever I have got stuck with advice, code and also corrected the odd thing I’ve unintentionally done which has disrupted the site. They do this quickly, with easy instructions and often out of working hours.

    I would definitely, recommend this template.

  • You Wanted The Best? Look No Further... You Got The Best!!!

    I ordered the Blossom Coach Pro Theme, and despite some slight teething troubles, I contacted the support team who were extremely helpful and sorted out my account details in no time at all. Now that I’ve played about with the Pro version of this theme I have to state it was well worth paying for the additional features. It’s easy to set up & edit, and the results look very premium & classy.

    I highly recommend you test drive the basic version of this theme and you’ll be hooked by its versatility & style!

  • Beautiful Theme

    Coach Pro is a beautiful looking theme with all the sections and features you could want as a coach.

    I was pleased to be able to create a professional multi-lingual site using it.

    My site needed some tweaking, however the support was fantastic. They were always willing to help and also offer tips to make my site better. Thank you.

  • So far Love it!

    From what I’ve seen, I believe this is just the right theme for my business. I purchased the installation and setup service. I’m eager to see my site already running. Yayyy

  • Awesome theme: Blossom Coach Pro

    I love this theme. It is perfect for my business. It looks very professional but also ladylike. It is exactly what I was looking for: a businesswoman theme. Thank you very much.

  • Absolutely Five Stars In Every Way To Work With Them

    Nabin Jaiswal and Blossom theme built my website from scratch. He was outstanding to work with and I was able to complete my website at half the cost of other companies. He was very responsive and extremely knowledgable. I highly recommend Nabin and his company. Their work is of the highest quality and they are an absolute pleasure to deal with.

  • Blossom Coach Pro Makes Me look like a Pro

    I was on the search for a professional and flexible WP theme that resonated with my style and goals for my end users. Wowsers! The Blossom Coach Pro theme was the winner! The theme is professional, stylish, and contained features that I really wanted for my users–a step up from my previous web host. Nabin’s support was AH-MAZING! Nabin was very responsive, supportive, and flexible. I learned a few things in the process of building my site. The documentation is thorough as well. I would highly recommend this theme. And pretty cool to see other sites that use the theme and see how they customize it. Thanks Nabin and the entire Blossom Team.

  • Excellent Theme and Support

    I’m loving the Health Coach theme, it comes with loads of features which are easy to build from even if you haven’t used Wordpress before. The support team are second to none and always there to answer any questions you may have whilst building your site. Very happy I decided to go ahead with this theme.

  • Easy to handle, wide range of opportunities

    I have tried several themes up to now and I am very glad having found Blossom Coach Pro. It is very easy to handle thanks to the documentation and the support, who is responding very quickly.
    I am very satsified with the wide range of opportunities for several page-layouts as well as the great layout options for the front page. Another highlight that fits my needs perfectly ist the sort funtionality for the frontpage elements.
    Since it is optimized for mobile use, features google fionts and ist SEO and scheme-Ready it seems to be the best theme I have used so far.

  • Blossom Coach Pro - Great Product and Awesome Service!

    I tried several themes before I made my choice with Blossom Coach Pro and
    With all the other themes I tried, they either were not flexible enough or the service was not up to the standard I would expect it to be.
    Blossom Coach Theme has a lot of options, but at the same time is quite easy to understand once you play with it a little. It perfectly fits my needs

    And the support is awesome! Very fast, to the point and last but not the least – very personal!

    I highly recommend this theme and!

  • Beautiful theme, excellent support!

    We switched from a Squarespace site to Wordpress only because we found this theme. Immediately we saw the beauty and functionality of it according to our needs for expansion of services, products and communication. It just fitted our new business strategy so well.

    The theme has a lot of options, but once you get under the hood of it it’s pretty straight forward, and we managed to create a really well functioning website in a few days.

    We couldn’t have done it without support, though, and as it turned out Blossomthemes has excellent support. Personal, friendly and caring. Not to mention fast. We can’t recommend it enough.

    If you are looking for a great experience when setting up your Wordpress site, then this is the theme to use.

  • Great Support

    The support is great and the step-by-step documentation is super helpful. I appreciate how helpful they are to a tech dummy like me! Go with the paid version, it’s worth getting help!

  • Very easy to use, great if you aren't an expert web designer!

    Great theme for the price. Don’t forget to download the widget pack for extra features. Great support team! They respond quickly and are extremely helpful! A+!

  • Great experience so far!

    I’m new to Blossom Coach Pro, and I’m still learning. That said, when I initially saw the theme, I thought it was beautiful. My challenge has been learning how to take exactly what I want/need, and get it to the appropriate pages/etc of my website. Though I’m not there yet, Nabin has been extremely responsive and helpful at the start in helping me learn the theme’s functionality. When you’re running a startup business, putting together a Wordpress website can feel overwhelming – but it definitely feels like I will have the needed support here to move forward and create a gorgeous final website product. Highly recommended so far!

  • Nabin was ultra patient and helpful..... thanks

    It was not easy setting up on Google Cloud through Bitnami but Nabin persevered till the installation was successful. Thanks, I appreciate what you did.

  • Love the theme, and the Blossom crew!

    I’ve been so happy with the Blossom Coach Pro theme for my Rynski Recovery Club = excellent! It provides a peppy, perky background as well as versatility, functionality and sensational design.

    I was even happier with the recent support I received. I had opened a support ticket about a few issues I was having one Friday night, not expecting anything back until Monday. To my delight, the issue fixes were in my inbox over the weekend, complete with an apology about the delay.

    The fixes were easy, straightforward and came with an exceptional explanation. Thanks, Blossom crew, I’m loving what you do and how you do it!

  • Amazing Theme, Amazing Customer Service

    First off, this is a beautiful theme. I love the looks and functionality. It was exactly what I was looking for. Once installed I did hit a snag and Nabin and his support team was quick to correct the issue. Awesome! I couldn’t be happier. I am going to recommend this theme to all my other clients. Thanks again for everything, Nabin!

  • Excellent Choice

    I had the staff at Blossom Theme design my corporate website. They were such a pleasure to work with. They took my direction and, with complete professionalism, executed my ideas while adding some of their own ideas. I can’t rave about them enough. The template itself (coach pro) is really attractive and looks easy to work with on the back end. They were also really patient with me! Definitely, think about hiring them to personalize your site and take it to the next level.

  • High Level Customer Service - Beautiful Theme

    This was a very stressful process uploading the new themes, however Nabin not only provided exceptional customer service, but was also extremely motivating and encouraging through the process. Very knowledgable and looking for other ways to be of service. Great response time and overall 100% satisfied customer! I will be SURE to tell all of my friends and family about this high-level of customer service.

  • Outstanding customer service

    The theme fits my business well, so I’m pleased that I chose it. I struggled to make a couple of things work (unknown to me, due to other plugins), and the customer service was outstanding. Fast and thorough.

  • Great Services! Great looking Theme!

    I recently purchased this Theme for my new medical practice. I had a hard time to upload the theme. I contacted the customer service during Christmas and New Year period and expected longer than normal response. However, I was impressed by how hard this team work! I got respond very quickly, and even on New Year's Day! As a new start business, time matters to me a lot! I appreciate all the help I got from Nabin Jaiswal! Thank you very much!
    Happy New Year! 🙂

  • Awesome product and service

    I am very satisfied with the Blossom theme I purchased, it is easy to work on and it looks great! Outstanding service, very fast response time for support. I am impressed! Thanks!

  • Blossom Coach Pro

    This theme is full of great features and is easy to implement and customize. Their online support is outstanding. They answered my questions quickly and followed up. Well done!

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    Blossom Coach Pro

    5.0 (114 reviews)

    • $69.00
    • $149.00